Saturday, January 18, 2014

Stars and Shorts


Hey guys, missed me?
(Click the button below to find out what kept me busy the past month!)

First of all, I apologize for my unannounced month-long hiatus. You see, I had been preparing for my board exam (which was held last January 12 and 13) and I realized I no longer had the time to take outfit shots or post reviews here on my blog. I was practically studying the whole day every day, from the moment I wake up to the hour before I sleep. Pretty stressful, huh? Anyway, the results were released yesterday and thankfully, I passed with flying colors! It was such an emotional and surreal moment for me! I want to thank all the people who helped and supported me throughout my academic journey and of course, the Lord God for His unending guidance. 

I'm posting an old photo--this was part of a photo shoot sometime ago, but was never posted here on my blog. This awesome photo was taken by my friend, Mika Singson (check out her Flickr account here; thanks Mika!). This photo heralds my return to the blogging world, and also serves as a sneak peek of the exciting things to come for my blog! :)

H&M top
Bayo shorts
Liz Claiborne clutch

Photo by Mika Singson

1 comment:

  1. I hope Mika takes some more shots of you, they're gorgeous! Congratulations on passing your exam!
