Monday, January 5, 2015

Highlights of 2014

(Photo from

You've probably already heard this a thousand times, but let me say it again: Happy New Year everyone! The past year was nothing short of amazing for me! Looking back, it was probably the best year I've ever had! I learned new things, travelled to different places, met new friends, and achieved many things. There were definitely a lot of firsts! But all of that wouldn't have been possible without all of you! So I want to thank you all for being a big part of my 2014. I feel truly blessed and I'm very grateful for all the opportunities that were given to me the past year.

Let me share with you some of the things that made my 2014 special!

First time to go on a trip with my friends! We were extremely busy back in college that we didn't have time to travel even on weekends. On summer and Christmas breaks, our schedules often didn't match, and our travel plans stayed, well, just plans. But that all changed last May! We were able to schedule a trip to none other than the picturesque Boracay for Labor Day! And we had such an amazing time there! Looking forward for more travels this 2015!


Got featured in the Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt TVC. While we were in Boracay I was interviewed for a TVC. They asked me a question (something about how I stay fit and healthy for the summer) and I answered in front of a camera. It was a very easy question actually, so I didn't have a hard time answering it (although I got a bit jittery knowing that I was going to be on TV so it took me a while to mentally prepare myself lol). A friend told me she saw the TVC, but I never saw it myself. Haha.

(Photo from Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt FB page)

First time to spend my birthday outside the country. Every year since I was young, I would spend my birthday in class (as if I had a choice lol), and have a mini dinner celebration afterwards. But last year was different! Since I had already graduated from college, I could spend my birthday anywhere I wanted! I wasn't planning on doing anything special but a few weeks before my birthday, my parents suddenly asked me if I wanted to go to Singapore with them. Well, why not? We had dinner at this really cool Italian restaurant at Marina Bay Sands, called Pizzeria Mozza and the food was excellent! (See complete blog post)

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Got my first modeling job. For all those wondering, yes, I do model from time to time but I don't really attend go-sees lol. So when K-Palette contacted me and asked if I wanted to model for their press event, I was overcome with shock and surprise! Who wouldn't want to be made up by a K-Palette make-up artist coming all the way from Japan? It was truly a wonderful experience! Plus I got featured at the Fashion & Beauty Section of The Philippine Star! (See complete blog post)

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Graduated from college. Last April, I marched down the PICC hall for my graduation, and it was there that I realized all the hard work was well worth it. I was awarded for graduating top of my class and for reaching a certain GPA which qualified me for cum laude. (See complete blog post)


Bagged 6th place in the board exam last January 2014. Last December 2013, I remember missing all the fun just so I could prepare for the board exam the following month. I barely posted on this blog, barely went out with friends, and barely attended holiday parties. I was really pressured to study every day for an entire month. No matter how nervous I felt and how tired I got, I still kept going. I definitely didn't regret it one bit especially when the results were out! (See complete blog post)


Our thesis got published in an international journal. My friend Fran and I gave everything we had for our thesis and it felt really good that the International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching and Practices (IJPTP, for short) thought it was worthy of being published! But of course, we couldn't have done it without our thesis adviser! If you want to read the entire article, you can find it here.

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Was featured in and Philippine Daily Inquirer. These weren't full page stories nor were they feature articles about me (I wish! Lol). These were just compilations of photos of guests at events (Philippine Fashion Week on, and Forever 21 relaunch on Philippine Daily Inquirer), and I was lucky I got included!

(Photo from


Was featured in a 2-page spread on Manila Bulletin's Style Weekend! This has got to be one of the biggest surprises for me last year! This feature showed my different outfits in a week, complete with captions! Thank you, Ed for the lovely feature! (See complete blog post)

w@w - alyssa yu

Started a business -- Voila! Old Fashioned Jar Cakes. I never really saw my myself starting a business at such an early age. I didn't know what came over me, but when Ryan asked if I wanted to be part of this, I immediately said yes! Starting the business was pretty challenging and I admit, we encountered a lot of obstacles along the way. After learning the ropes little by little and gradually getting the hang of it, we realized that things were starting to get better. We were getting so many phone calls and inquiries from customers all over the Philippines -- Cebu, Davao, Mindoro, etc. that it overwhelmed us (in a good way)! And we couldn't help but smile whenever we see our products on blogs and publications! To everyone who supported us the past year, we can't thank you enough! Just hang in there, 'cause we have a lot in store for you this 2015!


And to 2015, I say bring it on!

(Photo by Ben Bigalbal)


  1. Your year was amazing! I wish my coming years will be as eventful as yours! Hehe.


  2. Happy New Year Alyssa Marie! See you soonest!
