Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Floral Pants

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Last year, I was desperately looking for a pair of floral pants to add to my closet. Months passed and I still haven't found the perfect one. I've been looking for so long that I just forgot about it, until last Christmas, when my relatives surprised me with a pair of floral pants for a gift. I was literally jumping for joy and made it a point to wear it as soon as I could. Coincidentally, I was also looking for something to go with this top from Mango. I bought it last December and haven't worn it since. What do you think of the outfit? :)



Mango sweater
Fioni wedges
Lacoste bag


  1. Pretty! Visit my blog too :)

    x, KylieG

  2. I want my own floral pants, too! But I just feel that I might end up too petite or something.

    The Style Mermaid
