Thursday, April 30, 2015

Black Out


People often ask me where I work and what I do. Since I'm a pharmacy major, most assume that I'm working at a pharmaceutical company, but even before graduation I had already been thinking that pharmacy was not for me. I finally decided to go out of my comfort zone and venture into a field I knew nothing about. So when an opportunity presented itself, I took it without any hesitation. I entered the mysterious and unknown world (to me, anyway) of the power industry. Currently, I am one of two commercial trainees in our company and we're being rotated within the different groups under the commercial team. It has been a wonderful three months in my job, and I'm really loving every minute of it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hello from Baguio!

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One of the reasons I love my job is that I get to travel! It was one of the few things I missed out on back in college, and I was absolutely overjoyed when I found out that my job includes traveling! Two weeks ago, we went to Baguio and stayed there for 4 days. We had breakfast at Cafe by the Ruins, a meeting at The Manor, dinner at Baguio Country Club, and even a late night snack at Choco-late de Batirol for our hot chocolate fix! I never expected work to be this fun, but I'm definitely not complaining!

Thursday, April 9, 2015



I don't know what got into me, but I've been loving the color red recently! I wore this outfit to work. It looks pretty conservative from the front but surprisingly daring at the back because of the cutouts. I thought I could make it more work-appropriate by wearing a black tube top underneath but when I got to the office, I realized that it was still a bit too daring. I hurriedly grabbed my cardigan (which was hidden in my drawer specifically for emergency cases), and was saved from an embarrassing fashion disaster!

Monday, April 6, 2015

On the Go


When I saw the hot, sunny day before me I knew I would be spending it outdoors. Hey, if you're stuck in a desk five days a week, I'm sure you'd love to spend the rest of your free time outside! Yes? No? Okay, maybe that's just me. I'm the type of person who's always on the go and loves adventure -- any adventure, for that matter. It may be as simple as riding a bike or following a hiking trail at Nuvali, but the feeling of it is just priceless! :)