Thursday, April 30, 2015

Black Out


People often ask me where I work and what I do. Since I'm a pharmacy major, most assume that I'm working at a pharmaceutical company, but even before graduation I had already been thinking that pharmacy was not for me. I finally decided to go out of my comfort zone and venture into a field I knew nothing about. So when an opportunity presented itself, I took it without any hesitation. I entered the mysterious and unknown world (to me, anyway) of the power industry. Currently, I am one of two commercial trainees in our company and we're being rotated within the different groups under the commercial team. It has been a wonderful three months in my job, and I'm really loving every minute of it!

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Uniqlo jacket
Uniqlo jeans
Therapy boots
Topshop shades

Photos by Ces Bernardo


  1. Wow! Im so happy for you!! I miss you na! :)


  2. Well then, this gorgeous outfit is the only "black out" I want to see from you, young lady! Please keep the lights on . . .
